Mar 01, 2021

Serving source maps in production

by Bart Gryszko

We, developers, obviously want to write bug-free code. Bugs happen though. If there is an issue with your JavaScript code, source maps are an extremely helpful debugging tool.

At Close, we set the following expectations for source maps, depending on where they are served.

Development Environment for the Frontend Team

  • Stack trace: We want to know the line number where the error has occurred
  • Build time: Initial build takes some time but rebuild is fast
  • Visibility: Source maps can be visible by anyone with an access to the development environment

In this case, our Webpack's devtool option is set to cheap-module-eval-source-map. Source maps are generated along with the bundle and served from the same place as the source.

Development Environment for the Backend Team

  • Stack trace: The higher precision the better.
  • Build time: The build can take more time and we don't care about the rebuilds because the frontend application is prebuilt in the CI.
  • Visibility: Similarly as for the Frontend, visible in the environment.

Most of the time our Backend team doesn't need to make changes to the Frontend code. To speed up their environment spin-up process, we are pre-building a production-like version of the frontend app. Specifically, we use Webpack's source-map setting to create source maps. After that, we pack everything into a docker container that uses Nginx to serve both source maps and the bundle itself.

Production Environment

  • Stack trace: The higher precision the better.
  • Build time: The build can take more time — it happens once during CI/CD process.
  • Visibility: Visible only to Close employees.

While the process of generating source maps is the same as in the "Development Environment for the Backend Team", we don't want the source maps to be exposed publicly.

Our original approach was to only upload source maps to Rollbar (Frontend errors monitoring tool of our choice). Rollbar provides an API that allows you to do that. We found it very handy when discovering frontend issues our Customers experience.

That said, when trying to reproduce a production error, it was still cumbersome to find the right occurrence in Rollbar or to read the transpiled source code.

The solution: Serve source maps behind a VPN.

Since we already have an Nginx container with source maps and production build, we can use that to serve source maps only for Close employees.

To do it, we need to have fine-grain control over how Webpack builds source maps. SourceMapDevToolPlugin allows you to configure what exactly should be appended to each minified frontend asset. In our case, it's as simple as:

const webpackConfig = {
  plugins: [
    new SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
      append: '\n//# sourceMappingURL=[url]',
      filename: '[name].[chunkhash]',

This way when an asset is served from, its source map can be found at The source map address is only accessible through a VPN so our source code is secure.